Carter BloodCare

A not-for-profit community-based blood center, Carter BloodCare is the primary provider of blood components and transfusion services for approximately 350 Texas healthcare facilities in 57 North, Central and East Texas counties. During the six years our agency principals worked with this amazing organization, they have consistently exceeded daily blood donation quotas, solidified their brand, created a new generation of brand fans and improved their ability to track donors and measure response. 


“Roll Up Your Sleeves & Give!” Campaign

15-second TV spots centered on a powerful theme line: “Roll Up Your Sleeves and Give!” Spots feature real donors, plus area celebrities like mayors, athletes, sports heroes and notable chefs and even a Texas beauty queen moving to the beat of a sunny, reggae-style tune emphasizing the positive, feel-good aspects of giving blood.

Media: We used an integrated media strategy. Rich media banners incorporated TV spots while TV and radio spots drove viewers to the website to see hilarious outtakes from the TV shoot. Our social media campaign inspired our audience to spend more time with us, share their own insights and experiences and get to know the brand. 


"Roll Up Your Sleeves" Radio

In conjunction with the TV, we ran 30-second radio spots using the same upbeat original-score music and lyrics. The radio also featured a 10-second bed in which we incorporated promotions that gave blood donors added incentives like free tickets to Texas Rangers baseball games and 2 for 1 Bluebell Ice cream.  

Warning: Click the sample at your own risk. You might have the tune in your head for the rest of the day! 


“Reasons to Give” Campaign

Did you know that each blood donation saves three lives? Or that it takes only minutes to make a donation? Or that 1100 blood donations are needed everyday to fill the needs of area hospitals? The spots in this campaign featured real blood donors serving up fascinating facts and revealing the reasons that they give blood. Custom music made the spots even more memorable and was also used in a series of radio spots featuring the same delightful cast of donors.

Media: TV,  rich media banners, email, radio, posters and website which additionally included in-depth donor testimonials. 


Social Media and Conversation Marketing

We are big believers that social media marketing is not a stand-alone endeavor but is a part of a well thought out integrated marketing strategy that includes everything from web, email and TV to radio and mobile applications. Our ‘Roll Up Your Sleeves’ campaign – with its simple, high-impact graphics and strong call to action – translated well across a wide range of social media platforms expanding the community of brand fans and increasing donor traffic; all while providing a proficient means of tracking results.